It’s Saturday, August 19, 2017 at the annual Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise as some of the crew pose during the live broadcast. (left to right) Kaylie Brooks, Nicholas Albaran, Josh Salhaney, Ronald Wittebols, Alexandria Grant, Adrien Wilen, Emma Ramsey and (foreground) Noah Streng covered the event from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.Kenny Eaton anchors an hour of sports talk during the 2:00 p.m. hour.
Station Manager Ronald Wittebols confers with Nicholas Albaran to make sure the remote unit is connectd to the station. August 19, 2017 at the annual Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise as some of the crew readies the set list for the live broadcast.
Kaylie Brooks, student general manager, gives a quick run-down of what to expect during the next hour of the live broadcast. Josh Salhaney (middle) and Alexandria Grant add to the conversation.
Nicholas Albaran is all smiles behind his glasses as Kaylie Brooks checks in on Josh Salhaney and Alexandria Grant during a station break. For years, WBFH staged a live broadcast in front of the Rusty Bucket at the corner of Squarel Lake and Woodward Avenue in Bloomfield Township.Alex Grant, Nicholas Albaran and Josh Salhaney have an excellent view of the road. The Comrex unit which allows remote broadcasting from nearly anywhere a cell signal can be accessed is on the table.
A soon as the traffic signal blinks red, Kaylie Brooks and Nicholas Albaran make a mad dash with gift bags for the cruisers.
Kaylie Brooks hands off a swag bag to a cruiser while Nicholas Albaran has his eyes on the Camarro in the next lane. Many of the cruisers tuned to The Biff as they got closer to the remote location.
Noah Streng, Adrien Wilen and Emma Ramsey weren’t available for many of the candid shots of the WBFH remote. Why? They were cruising up and down Woodward Avenue proudly representing The Biff!
On Monday, August 21, 2017 the weather is just not cooperating to allow a view of the solar eclipse.
Luckily, the angle was just right as the sun projects the eclipse onto the floor of the Bloomfield Hills High School commons!
Staff member Kyle Abrams is on the scene to witness, firsthand, the solar show.
It’s September 5, 2017 and Alexandria Grant is in full spirit. It's Welcome Back Day and she and station mascot, The Biffalo are ready to blow the roof off of the gym!
WBFH staffers Adrien Wilen, Sofi K and Emma Ramsey anchor the festivities from the gym at Bloomfield Hills High School.
Josh Salhaney experiences his very first live remote from the gym during Welcome Back Day. The gym is packed and Josh is about to dash around and whip the crowd into a frenzy. Josh Salhaney describes the throng of seniors in celebration of winning the competition.
Alexandria Grant endorses the live remote from the gym with an enthusiastic thumbs-up as she and Nicholas Albaran describe the activites unfolding in front of them. Noah Brook and Noah Streng watch from behind.
A shot of the remote table with Emma Ramsey and Josh Salhaney standing guard.
Noah Streng is also on hand, filing stories from the floor. Josh Salhaney interviews Principal Charlie Hollerith during September’s Welcome Back Day 2017, the very first remote broadcast of the new school year. It was pandemonium!
Good brand visibility is always the best!
Imanni Wright anchors the football pregame show from the field with station volunteer and sports show host Paul Kolin on Friday, September 22, 2017. Bloomfield Hills High School Athletic Director R.J. Guizzetti shares the table with Sports Director Patrick Marshall, commenting on the chances for a Black Hawk victory!